Poll Location
Polls are now located at the Municipal Building, 403 E Cty Hwy ID, Barneveld. Voting hours are from 7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. Please contact the Village office at 924-6861 to request an application to vote absentee. Absentee voting can be done at the Village Office at 403 E Cty Hwy ID between 8:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m Monday-Thursday October 20 - 22 and October 26 - 30, 2020
Voters in the Village of Barneveld are required to register to vote.(HAVA) To make election day flow easier you can register to vote during business hours at the Village Office. Business hours are Monday -Thursday 7:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m. You will be allowed to register to vote up to the day of election, including election day at the polls. If you register on election day, there may be a line to vote as well as to register. If you have registered to vote in the past , you will not have to register again unless you have moved. When you register, you will be required to present a valid Wisconsin Driver's License, if you don't have a valid Wisconsin Driver's License, you will need to provide the last 4 digits of your social security number. You will also need to provide proof of residence. If you are not sure whether or not you are registered, please feel free to contact the Village Office at 924-6861 during our regular office hours. You may print off forms below and fill out and bring into office. We have to witness signature on Voter Registration.
Voter Registration and Absentee Information
Contact the Village Office if you need to get these forms! 924-6861
GAB-131 Voter Registration Application (include Proof of Residence and copy of Photo ID)
- Online: visit https://myvote.wi.gov/
- Voter Registration Form (also a fillable PDF form): EL-131
- Absentee Registration Form
- Online: visit https://myvote.wi.gov/
- By Mail: Submit a copy of the EL-121 to the Village Office (mail, drop off or email the form) and an absentee ballot will be sent to you
- In Person: In person voting days and hours (at the Village Office) are listed below
- October 20 through 22: 8am to 5pm
- October 26 through 30: 8am to 5pm
- Your Absentee Ballot can be returned to the Village Office in our Drop Box that comes directly into our office or in person if you choose not to mail it.