
The History of Barneveld

The Village of Barneveld was founded in 1881 when David Simpson offered the railroad the right of way for $1.00 if they would build a depot on his land. The railroad accepted the offer and Mr. Simpson sub-divided his land and began selling lots.

There are two theories on the naming of the village. First Mr Orbison, a Dutch surveyor for the railroad, suggested the name after his hometown in Holland. Orbison Street that runs parallel to Hwy ID was no doubt name after Mr. Orbison. The second theory is that Mrs. Simpson named it for her favorite poet, Mr. Barneveldt. Research tells us this poet of the 16th century was sometimes called John of Oldenbarneveldt. Perhaps the name comes from both theories.

Barneveld incorporated as a village in 1906. On March 26th, 1906 a petition was signed by 315 people. On April 27th, 1906 the citizens voted at the Barneveld Opera House for incorporation.  Barneveld's population reached over 1,000 in 2002 and continues to grow. Our proximity to Madison is definitely an asset with half an hour travel time for employment or cultural and sporting events.

The village celebrated it's Centennial in 2006 in conjunction with the Annual Fair Day Celebration.

In 1984 the Village was hit by a violent F5 tornado.  To learn more please click on the link below.

Barneveld Tornado 1984