Water & Utilities


Water & Sewer Utilities

Water and Sewer Utility Bills are sent out monthly, the first week of the month. Payments may be mailed to:

Village of Barneveld

403 E Cty Hwy ID
Barneveld WI 53507

Payments may also be paid in person at the Village office, located at 403 E Cty Hwy ID, during regular office hours, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m. Closed on Fridays.  For your convenience we have an outdoor payment drop-off box available 24 hours a day located right outside the office. The box is checked regularly on weekdays. Utility bills may also be dropped off at the Peoples Community Bank in Barneveld located at the corner of Ernie and Industrial Dr. We regularly check the bank for payments.

Direct Payment Option Available

If you would like to have your Utility bill withdrawn directly from your checking or savings account, click the link below or please make a note on your Utility payment, call 924-6861 or email [email protected] and we can send you a form to complete and return. Save money on postage, late charges and cost of checks! Convenient – no last minute trips to drop off payment!

For any questions regarding your water bill or general questions regarding your account please contact us at 924-6861.

Click here for the Direct Payment Authorization Form

Monthly Service and Volume Charges - Effective 03-01-2021

Meter Size                                Water       Sewer      Fire

5/8 & 3/4 inch meter $11.45 $25.01 $11.76
1-inch meter $25.82 $62.54 $29.45
1¼-inch meter $47.30 $43.57
1 ½-inch meter $57.33 $100.05 $58.95
2-inch meter $107.50 $200.10 $94.09
3-inch meter $172.00 $350.00 $176.00
4-inch meter $235.00 $294.00
6-inch meter $358.00 $588.00


Plus Volume Charges - Effective 03-01-2021

Water - $4.48 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer - $6.44 per 1,000 gallons


Please contact the Village Office at 924-6861 when there is a change of ownership of a property or a new renter. This will help ensure that bills are being sent to the appropriate person at the appropriate address.

NEW! Pay Online with GovPayNET!

Pay your Water Bill Online!